Table of results
Women tournament of champions
Kalmykia, May 8-21, 1998
Final standing :
E.Kovalevskaya - 8,5
N.Gaprindashvili - 6
L.Zaitseva - 5
Y.Demina - 4,5
1-2 stages - May 8-13 - Iki-Burul
        3-4 stages -  May 15 - 21 -  Yashalta

Participants ELO C-ry 1 2 3 4 Sc Pl
Gaprindashvili N. 2340 GEO xxxxxx =,=,1,0 1,1,0,= 0,1,=,0 6,0 2
Demina Y. 2355 RUS =,=,0,1  xxxxxx =,=,=,= =,0,0,= 5,0 3
Zaitseva L. 2370 RUS 0,0,1,= =,=,=,= xxxxxx 0,=,=,0 4,5 4
Kovalevskaya E. 2390 RUS 1,0,=,1 =,1,1,= 1,=,=1 xxxxxx 8,5 1
Chief Arbiter, International Arbiter K.Manushev /Elista/
Deputy Arbiter National Arbiter A.Imerdykov /Elista/
Deputy Arbiter National Arbiter V.Matsakov /Elista/

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or download games (1,2 stages) in pgn format or cbf format
Our thanks to Alexander Imerdykov