Our equipment has several functions:
1. on-line demonstration of games in the playing hall and live coverage in Internet; www.reddit.com 2. training of chess players in clubs, school and over Internet; 3. distance chess play over Internet; 4. recording and saving games. |
Electronic Chess:
1.1. Electronic chess board; 1.2. Power adapter and cables; 1.3. Software 'Electronic Board'. The software 'Electronic Board' recognizes the pieces on the board, saves it in a computer and allows to show the variations. This program is included in all configurations. |
Tournament Chess:
2.1. Electronic chess board; 2.2. Power adapter and cables; 2.3 Electronic chess clock; 2.4 Software 'Electronic Board'; 2.5. Software 'Tournament chess'; 2.6. Software 'Screen demonstration' The complex is adjusted to demonstrate the games of a tournament (even blitz) online in a playing hall and live coverage in Internet. The software 'Tournament chess' provides computer with a reliable information from the electronic boards even in blitz games when the pieces are located at the edge of the square and passes it to the Internet. The software 'Screen demonstration' allows to show the games online on a big screen utilizing a video-projector or many TV-screens, located in a foyer, press-center, bars without any limit of a cable's length. Any images could be inserted between diagrams. Below is a picture from a screen. play battery |
Distance chess:
3.1. Electronic chess board; 3.2. Power adapter and cables; 3.3 Electronic chess clock; 3.4 Software 'Electronic Board'; 3.5 Software 'Distance chess'. This complex is adjusted to play with a remote opponent over Internet. The software 'Distance chess' provides play chess in habitual conditions sitting each of the players in his own chess club at the board and getting moves on the clock. |
We provided the first match in distance chess between S.-Petersburg and Paris in May 2003. Below is a picture from this event. President FIDE Kirsan Ilumzhinov familiarizes with DCE. He is sitting in St.Petersburg and the international arbiter Geurt Gijssen explains him how it works. On the TV-screen is GM Sergey Karjakin, who is sitting in NAO chess club in Paris, he prepares to play on the 4th board of NAO chess club team against Konstantin Sakaev |
Internet lections:
4.1. Electronic chess board; 4.2. Power adapter and cables; 4.3. Electronic chess clock; 4.4. Software 'Electronic Board' 4.5. Software "Internet lection" 4.6. Software "Lection board" The complex "Internet Lections" provides the chess training over the Internet. During the lecture the position from the coach's screen reflects on the learner's screen. Using the software 'Internet lection' the trainer is able to allow any of learners to show his lines. The communication between the lecturer and the learners could be provided by chat, audio and video conference. Lerners use the software 'Lection board' . |
Analytical complex
5.2. Electronic chess board; 5.3. Power adapter and cables; 5.4. Electronic chess clock; 5.5. Software 'Electronic Board'; 5.6. Software 'Variants' This complex could be used for recording and saving all chess variants during the analysis over the electronic chess board in habitual conditions. Using the software 'Variants' the lines are saved in a convenient for chess player type. |
Chess base complex:
6.2. Electronic chess board; 6.3. Power adapter and cables; 6.4. Software 'Electronic Board'; 6.5. Software 'Chess Assistant 8.1' This complex allows to use the Russian chess base 'Chess Assistant' utilizing the electronic chess board to entering games and variations. The software 'Chess Assistant 8.1' is a unique tool for managing chess games and databases, viewing electronic texts in CA or PGN format, studying openings, analyzing games, or playing chess against a computer. Chess Assistant 8.1 includes a database of 2,710,000 games that can automatically be updated with 2,500 new games weekly on the Internet. Entering games possible, as well as adding databases in the CA, PGN or CBH formats removing any duplicate games. |
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