The Fifth International chess tournament among jouniors - "Young stars ofthe world - 2007" Vanja Somov's memorial, 16th-27th May, Kirishi
/Images/Players/Small/nepom.jpg" align="left" alt="Yan Nepomnjashchy"> Yan Nepomnjashchy became the winner of the Fifth International chess tournament among jouniors - "Young stars of the world - 2007" Vanja Somov's memorial , which took place 16th-27th May in Kirishi (Leningrad's region). The strongest world chess players from Russia, India, Germany, Bielorussia, Armenia, Azerbajan and Ukraine participated in the traditional tournament in the memory of Vanya Somov. Among them there were World, Europe and Asia Champions in their age categories. The event was a round robin tournament and had 11th category. The paricipants were: m Yan Nepomnjashchy (1990 w.b.) RUS 2602, g Rauf Mamedov (1988) AZE 2584, g Yuriy Kuzubov (1990) UKR 2545, g Sergei Zhigalko (1989) BLR 2540, m Ivan Popov (1990) RUS 2533, g Zaven Andriasian (1989) ARM 2523, g Parimarjan Negi (1993) IND 2515, m Falko Bindrich (1990) GER 2469, m Eltai Safarli (1992) AZE 2463, m Avetik Grigoryan (1989) ARM 2455, m Daniil Linchevski (1990) RUS 2445, mf Eduad Gorovykh (1990) RUS 2416.
Round 1
Grigoryan - Negi 1/2
Bindrich - Popov 1:0
Andriasian - Safarli 1:0
Nepomniachtchi - Mamedov 1/2
Gorovykh - Kuzubov 1:0
Zhigalko - Lintchevski 1/2
        Round 2
Negi - Lintchevski 1:0
Kuzubov - Zhigalko 1:0
Mamedov - Gorovykh 1:0
Safarli - Nepomniachtchi 1/2
Popov - Andriasian 0:1
Grigoryan - Bindrich 1:0
        Round 3
Bindrich - Negi 0:1
Andriasian - Grigoryan 1/2
Nepomniachtchi - Popov 1/2
Gorovykh - Safarli 1/2
Zhigalko - Mamedov 1/2
Lintchevski - Kuzubov 0:1
Round 4
Negi - Kuzubov 1:0
Mamedov - Lintchevski 1/2
Safarli - Zhigalko 1:0
Popov - Gorovykh 1:0
Grigoryan - Nepomniachtchi 0:1
Bindrich - Andriasian 0:1
        Round 5
Andriasian - Negi 1/2
Nepomniachtchi - Bindrich 1-0
Gorovykh - Grigoryan 0-1
Zhigalko - Popov 1-0
Lintchevski - Safarli 1-0
Kuzubov - Mamedov 1/2
        Round 6
Grorian - Zhigalko 1-0
Bindrich - Gorovykh 0-1
Andriasian - Nepomniachtchi 0-1
Popov - Linchevski 1-0
Safarli - Kuzubov 0-1
Negi - Mamedov 1/2
Round 7
Nepomniachtchi - Negi 1:0
Gorovykh - Andriasian 0:1
Zhigalko - Bindrich 1/2
Lintchevski - Grigoryan 1/2
Kuzubov - Popov 1:0
Mamedov - Safarli 1/2
        Round 8
Negi - Safarli 1:0
Popov - Mamedov 1/2
Grigoryan - Kuzubov 1/2
Bindrich - Lintchevski 1/2
Andriasian - Zhigalko 1/2
Nepomniachtchi - Gorovykh 1/2
        Round 9
Gorovykh - Negi 1/2
Zhigalko - Nepomniachtchi 1:0
Lintchevski - Andriasian 1/2
Kuzubov - Bindrich 0:1
Mamedov - Grigoryan 1/2
Safarli - Popov 1/2
Round 10
Negi - Popov 1:0
Grigoryan - Safarli 1/2
Bindrich - Mamedov 0:1
Andriasian - Kuzubov 1:0
Nepomniachtchi - Lintchevski 1/2
Gorovykh - Zhigalko 0:1
        Round 11
Zhigalko - Negi 1:0
Lintchevski - Gorovykh 1:0
Kuzubov - Nepomniachtchi 1/2
Mamedov - Andriasian 1:0
Safarli - Bindrich 1/2
Popov - Grigoryan 1:0
Final standings
1 Nepomniachtchi - 7.0
2 Mamedov - 7.0
3 Negi - 7.0
4 Andriasian - 7.0
5-6 Grigoryan, Zhigalko - 6.0
7 Kuzubov - 5.5
8 Lintchevski - 5.0
9 Popov - 4.5
10 Safarli - 4.0
11-12 Gorovykh, Bindrich - 3.5
/Java/2007/KirishiY/viewer.html"> View games
/Java/2007/KirishiY/kirishiy.pgn"> Games in PGN
/Images/Players/Small/sakaev2.jpg" align="left" alt="Konstantin Sakaev"> Konstantin Sakaev became the winner of the Grandmaster rapid chess tournament G.E.Nesis's Cup which took place during the main event 21st-22nd May. It was a double round robin tournament with the time control 20 minutes for the whole game with an increment of 10 seconds per move. The participants were: Evgeny Alekseev 2679 RUS, Konstantin Sakaev 2633 RUS, Alexander Khalifman 2624 RUS, Dimitri Komarov 2539 UKR, Sergey Janovsky 2496 RUS and Maxim Novik 2466 RUS.
The /Archive/Shahcom/Shahcom.html"> Shahcom Company provided /Online/chess/Kirishi/online.html"> live coverage of games of this tournament in the playing hall and via internet on our site utilizing its /Store/Access/board.html"> electronic boards "Shahcom" .
Final standings:
1 Sakaev - 7.0
2-4 Alekseev, Komarov, Khalifman - 5.0
5-6 Janovsky, Novik - 4.0
Round 1
Novik - Alekseev 1-0
Sakaev - Komarov 1/2
Janovsky - Khalifman 1/2
        Round 2
Alekseev - Khalifman 1/2
Komarov - Janovsky 1-0
Novik - Sakaev 0-1
        Round 3
Sakaev - Alekseev 1/2
Janovsky - Novik 1-0
Khalifman - Komarov 1/2
Round 4
Alekseev - Komarov 1-0
Novik - Khalifman 1/2
Sakaev - Janovsky 1-0
        Round 5
Janovsky - Alekseev 1-0
Khalifman - Sakaev 1/2
Komarov - Novik 1/2
        Round 6
Alekseev - Novik 1-0
Komarov - Sakaev 1/2
Khalifman - Janovsky 1/2
Round 7
Khalifman - Alekseev 1/2
Janovsky - Komarov 1/2
Sakaev - Novik 1-0
        Round 8
Alekseev - Sakaev 1/2
Novik - Janovsky 1-0
Komarov - Khalifman 1/2
        Round 9 (starts at 3-00 p.m.)
Komarov - Alekseev 1/2
Khalifman - Novik 1/2
Janovsky - Sakaev 0-1
Round 10
Alekseev - Janovsky 1/2
Sakaev - Khalifman 1/2
Novik - Komarov 1/2
/Java/2007/KirishiG/viewer.html"> View games
/Java/2007/KirishiG/kirishig.pgn"> Games in PGN
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