The 7th Poikovsky in the name of Anatoly Karpov tournament, 19-27 March

/Images/Players/Small/Shirov.jpg" align="left" alt="Alexei Shirov"> Alexei Shirov took clear first place in the 7th Poikovsky in the name of Anatoly Karpov tournament which took place March 19-27 2006. The participants were: Ruslan Ponomariov g UKR 2723 (born 1983), Alexei Shirov g ESP 2709 (1972), Evgeny Bareev g RUS 2698 1966, Alexey Dreev g RUS 2697 (1969), Ivan Sokolov g NED 2689 (1968), Sergey Rublevsky g RUS 2665 (1974), Vadim Zvjaginsev g RUS 2664 (1976), Viktor Bologan g MDA 2661 (1971), Evgenij Najer g RUS 2652 (1977) and Alexander Onischuk g USA 2650 (1975).
Round 1
Ponomariov - Onischuk 1-0
Bareev - Shirov 1/2
Dreev - Zvjaginsev 1/2
Bologan - Rublevsky 0-1
Sokolov - Najer 1/2
      Round 2
Ponomariov - Sokolov 1/2
Shirov - Bologan 1-0
Onischuk - Rublevsky 1/2
Najer - Dreev 1/2
Zviaginsev - Bareev 1/2
      Round 3
Bareev - Najer 1/2
Sokolov - Onischuk 1/2
Rublevsky - Shirov 1/2
Dreev - Ponomariov 1/2
Bologan - Zvjaginsev 0-1
      Round 4
Sokolov - Dreev 1/2
Ponomariov - Bareev 1/2
Zvjaginsev - Rublevsky 1/2
Onischuk - Shirov 1/2
Najer - Bologan 1-0
Round 5
Bareev - Sokolov 1/2
Rublevsky - Najer 1/2
Bologan - Ponomariov 1-0
Shirov - Zvjaginsev 1/2
Dreev - Onischuk 1/2
      Round 6
Dreev - Bareev 1:0
Ponomariov - Rublevsky 1:0
Najer - Shirov 0:1
Onischuk - Zvjaginsev 1/2
Sokolov - Bologan 0:1
      Round 7
Rublevsky - Sokolov 0:1
Bareev - Onischuk 1:0
Shirov - Ponomariov 1/2
Bologan - Dreev 0:1
Zvjaginsev - Najer 1/2
      Round 8
Bareev - Bologan 1:0
Ponomariov - Zvjaginsev 1/2
Dreev - Rublevsky 1/2
Sokolov - Shirov 1/2
Onischuk - Najer 1/2
Round 9
Bologan - Onischuk 1/2
Zvjaginsev - Sokolov 1/2
Shirov - Dreev 1:0
Najer - Ponomariov 1/2
Rublevsky - Bareev 1/2
Final standings:
1 Shirov 6.0
2 Ponomariov 5.0
3 Zvjaginsev 5.0
4 Dreev 5.0
5 Bareev 5.0
6 Sokolov 4.5
7 Najer 4.5
8 Rublevsky 4.0
9 Onischuk - 3.5
10 Bologan - 2.5
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